Wednesday 3 June, 2009

Rendezvous of Seconds

I was at the mall for some shopping and I entered this “Food World Store” for buying some things. The place was jam-packed as it was a weekend and people seem busy with picking stuff they liked or required. I managed to get a basket and started picking up things I wanted and there suddenly, I saw her. Eyes met for two seconds and I felt there was something. Off late I might have seen a lot of Bollywood movies but this impact was for real and nothing like fantasy. She smiled and so did I; our eyes seem to be catching hold of each other repeatedly.

Whether I was following her or she was following me, but we seem to meet at every corner of that store. With stealing glances and minimal eye contact, we seem trying to know about each other without letting anyone know. For a moment I thought I was hallucinating and things like such do not happen in real but that was not true. I seem to be enjoying every passing second and thinking about the 5 W’s I read sometime back in my university (When, Why, What, Where and Whom). It was a mixed feeling, something I never had before.

Anyways, I finally took all the stuff and stood in the queue to pay the bill. Suddenly, I saw her just in front of me and something strange happened. She gave me a big smile and winked both her eyes. I just stood there smiling wondering what I should do now.

On my right hand side there was a shelf with some chocolates on it, I took out one and waited for her to turn again. The moment she did, I gave her that and there was a pause from her side. With those angelic eyes and a chubby face, she called her mom and asked, “Can I take that chocolate?” She smiled and nodded, of course you can’t expect a two year old baby to take things from strangers.

I gave her a hug and left with memories in my heart making me believe anything can happen in seconds.

According to Mamkol, “A matter of split second does it all for you, it is all about knowing when those seconds arrive”.

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